Still alive and unaware

Still alive and unaware
37 Weeks

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

New Beginning

Well its been tough these last few weeks. I have my good and my bad days, as does my husband, but no matter what we will never forget our little angel Alexis. When i go out to the store and i see babies i have to fight myself not to tear up....i hope this doesnt last forever....people are starting to look at me weird. But as you may have read in some previous post i am a recent college graduate looking for a job..since the new year i have applied for 15 jobs....and for those 15 i heard back from 10 that i had applied to before the new year..."I'm sorry but you have not been selected for the position of ________." I am starting to get all since i graduated last May i have applied to 85 jobs.....i got one I even had a University professor help me write my cover letter...which is awesome and my i know i am representing myself well...its just my lack of experience...idk why people dont think about this...if people cant get jobs they cant get experience...but if they will train someone...if they are young they will be there for a long time in the long someone...or allowing them to gain experience would be beneficial. I am hoping that this time around i get a job with my degree....all someone needs to do is meet me...give me an interview...i will prove to them that i am the person for the job. They worry about experience but i have more life experience than most people get in a lifetime and i have a drive to succeed. I just want to get a carrer going so next time we have a baby....I will be financially set...this time we managed but the last week before i went back to work was tight.
So last night i was laying in bed and all of a sudden it felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders...idk if it was some kind of apiffany or what...but i have a feeling things are going to start getting better. I miss my little one soooo much...but i am excited to try again in a few months. I love her soooo much and i know she is watching over me...and i am glad to know that she didnt suffer....i am angry we didnt get a definate answer but maybe it means it wont happen again...idk what i would do if it did. But i know for now i am surviving, i am growing, I am changing and i will move on but never forget.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Does anyone really care?

I love that days even a week after someone passes away everyone seems to be there for you...even people you haven spoken to for years....but a few weeks later...nothing. Doesn't anyone understand that the beginning is are numb, in dont know who you have or havent spoken to or what you have said. Its like your living on autopilot...but as the weeks go on, you slowly begin to feel, to live again and this is the hardest part. You are coming to terms with your loss...and who is there...maybe some close family members but other than that you are on your one calls to see how you are doing...everyone assumes that if you need something that you will cal them....what sad and depressed person thinks...hhrmmmm im sad today im going to call someone to talk...idk about anyone else but i put myself in a shell...but i do feel better after someone calls...idk i guess knowing that someone cares and is thinking about me and her. My little Alexis deserves to be remembered...i find myself angry at people because they dont ask about me or her...i mean i know everyone just doesnt know what to say but...i dont want her to die with her death ya know....

6 wks appt...some vulgar language

So i had my 6 weeks appt today...and they got all the test results back from Alexis's autopsy and stuff. I am soooooo angry. They didnt find a damn freakin thing. They said she just died....ARE YOU KIDDING ME!! BABIES DONT JUST FREAKIN DIE!!!!!!
Then they told me that some of the tests were inconculsive because she had been gone for 24hrs....well when i went to the hospital she hadnt been gone for 24hrs but bc they made me wait and induce labor instead of taking her by c-section...they couldnt get answers from the DAMN TESTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also my little girl was breach and this had been bugging me so i asked the doctor today....So she was breach but the Physicians Assistant had been saying all along that she was head down....and bc of her size and my size the dr said that there is no way she turned herself she had been breach....meaning they should have tried to turn her after like 36weeks from the outside and if by 38wks she hadnt turned they would have scheduled a c-section...before i was 39wks.......she died the day i turned 39wks....So your telling me that id the P.A. Hadnt FUDGED UP AND SAID THAT SHE WAS HEAD DOWN...THAT I MAY NOT HAVE LOST HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WTF
so to comfort my anger my dr said she may have been delivered alive but then she may have still died...they have no way of knowing
I know i shouldnt dwell on the what if's....but that is one heck of a freakin what if!!!!!!!!!!
Now my doctor told us we can get pregnant again anytime after March...but the week after we lost Alexis he said we had to wait until Sept......I am sooo glad we pay doctors a shitload and they go to school for so long to give us no damn answers....i did everything right...everything i was supposed to do and not to do... So how is it that babies from people that didnt know...or did stuff they werent supposed to were fine...those babies lived....WTF is up with that....i dont get it. She was perfect...the stupid doctors even said they couldnt find anything why did she have to die? WHY? WHY? WHY? AHHHHHHGGGGGGGGG Idk how i will ever have a baby...or get pregnant again...not knowing why my little girl died

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Life and Death

I feel you move; I close my eyes and picture your face
I feel you hiccup; I smile just a little
My chest burns; I think about all your hair and what color it will be
I have butterflies; I can’t wait to see you, it is so close now
Something is different; I wonder if it’s First time mom nerves
I don’t think you’re moving; I go to the doctors
Doctor is silent; my heart breaks
I bring you into the world; but you are already gone from it
I miss you, I love you; you will always be with me

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Bad day

Today just seems like one of those days...maybe I should just go outside and get some sun....the snow usually makes me happy. I just miss her a lot today....I try not to dwell on the could have beens...but days like today i cant get them out of my head. I keep telling myself all i have to do is make it 8 more months until we can get pg again...thats all i want. I was so ready...unfortunately its going to be a very scary time....i wont be able to be as calm as i was pretty sure until the baby starts moving i will be freaking out all the time...and then im pretty sure i will be crazy about kick counts. Ughhh. I miss Alexis quite a bit today. I think its about time to start packing up her not getting rid of anything but...i just need it to be out of sight for a little while....this will get better, with time.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Doctor update....yea ok

I talked to my doctor today...the tests so far look like she should have been fine....How can that be a freakin answer. BABIES DONT JUST FLIPPIN DIE FOR NO DAMN REASON!!!! How can any doctor accept can they do tests and an autopsy and accept the fact that a child died and they don't know why!!! DO they even care about what the mom thinks? Do they even care that she now has to live with the fact that her baby died and no one can tell her why? A perfectly healthy child does not just die....SO HOW THE HECK CAN THEY ACCEPT THAT AS A FREAKIN ANSWER... ughhhh ahhhhhhhhh.......BLEEP...BLEEP...BLEEPING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One Month

Today my little Alexis would have been one month old. She would have been bigger and beginning all of her firsts. We miss her so much. Today is hard...i can't believe it has been a month already. She was so perfect, I dont understand why she couldn't stay with us. It just isnt fair. There are children born all the time that aren't loved or wanted....but she was very much wanted and loved...why not one of them instead of her. I just want my baby back :'(

Saturday, January 8, 2011


I was just wondering why no one tells pregnant women about the possibility of a still birth...they tell you about every other defect and problem under the sun but not about still that your chances are 1 in 700....they dont care about upsetting you by telling you about defects and chromosonal why this...
Also why is it that no one seems to care if you dont get an answer...why isnt there a foundation that people can donate to that is focused on research to find an answer. I dont know if its just me but no answer or saying your baby was perfectly healthy we didnt find anything, doesnt sit well with me. Why isnt anyone trying to find answers!!

Friday, January 7, 2011

The loss of my baby girl Alexis

My name is husband and I got married August 09...he is 24. We had talked about how bad both of us wanted children but i was still in school...and in my last semester jan10-may 10 I was working part time going to school full time with an i was really busy and my birth control gave me blood clots and so before something bad happened my dr changed my birth control and my hubby and i decided just to let whatever happened happen. At easter my sisters kept asking my mom if i was preggo and i just thought with the stress that i was getting fat...well a week later just for S***s and giggles i decided to take a pregnancy test while i was at work...i work at a gas station...well it was positive. The next day i went to the dr and confirmed...we had a perfect one pt my little girl jumped ahead in size so they changed my due date from dec 15 to the 5th....then 2 weeks later they changed it back...but my dr said she would come whenever she wanted...we were sooo happy...and 3 of my friends were pregnant too...we were all due just weeks apart. 2 days before my 39wk appt one of my friends gave birth to her little girl....we were so anxious. The next day i felt...odd...i was having contractions but i didnt think my little girl Alexis was moving as mush as she should so i called my dr...he said it was normal bc i was going into labor and to monitor my contractions but more than likely he would see me for my reg appt the next day...I woke up in the morning...barely slept...still worried...went to my appt...dr said ok lets plan for a induction...i said about tomorrow..(friday). He said sounds good lets check her position quick....well he checked her heart first and couldnt find it...i said i knew something was wrong...the dr said dont worry we will do an ultrasound...sometimes the contractions make it hard for this little did an ultrasound....the dr was silent...i looked at him and a tear rolled down his face....i said no...cant be...this cant be happening...please...he said im sooo sorry...idk what happened...but we will find out i promise...he left the room...i called my mom...and then my husband..but bc he was about an hr away at work...i didnt tell him what happened just that he needed to come home so we could go to the hospital. He met me at home and i told him...he hoped it was a cruel was soo hard...we went to the 3 sisters and parents drove 2hrs to be with us the entire night while they induced my labor and made me have her matter how much i begged they told was best for me to do i did...on Dec 10 at 820 am i gave birth to my stillborn 6lb 14oz daughter Alexis Marie....we cried we held her, took pictures, and said goodbye...she was sooo perfect...still dont know what happened...but we miss our baby just isnt fair...she was perfect...she was our first
We know that together we can make it through this and in the fall try to have another baby...but we will never be the same...

I miss my Little Alexis

January 1, 2011
I hate being so angry. I try not to be mean to Joe, but it just happens. When I was pregnant I couldn’t wait for him to get his “man cave” done, but now that it is…I feel like I’m losing him. I mean he has heat, tv and his playstation. I guess I had better get used to being alone even more. Now not only when he’s at work will I be alone but also when he gets home because he will go right down there to play. I don’t know if I can be alone that much. I want to tell him. I want to tell him that I’m scared to be alone. But I don’t want him to feel bad, I don’t want to hurt him either. Man this sucks. I just need something. I guess I have a void that needs to be filled. 

January 6, 2011 11:40pm
I’m tired but I can’t sleep. Things keep running through my mind like, I need to call the doctor tomorrow to see about getting some answers and what I will say..what message I will leave. Then I need to get this tooth out its cutting up my cheek. Maybe I will have it done Monday…I don’t want to leave the house. I really should get it done tomorrow if I can. I also keep thinking about that day...that morning even. In the shower I pushed and prodded her, I knew something was wrong knew she was gone but even when I showed the nurse my discharge she said it was normal…it wasn’t normal it was my water with baby poop in it…because she had died and expressed her bowels. Then the doctor telling me…and Sara asking if he is sure…then me saying no this isn’t happening and him saying he is so sorry and then see that’s her heart it isn’t moving.
The worst day of my life...
I knew something was wrong I told the doctor when he got out the Doppler and even when he said don’t worry sometimes at this point it is hard. Did anyone find it odd that I had lost like five pounds before that appointment; it was like five days in between appointments? Man I wish I could sleep. I wanted to try to sleep without a sleeping pill. Didn’t work. I’m up typing, laying out my thoughts hoping once I get them out they will stay away, at least until my pill kicks in. My life lately is a nightmare…it all feels like a dream that I can’t wake up from. It’s like I’m that girl in the horror movie that goes into the room that she knows she shouldn’t go into because something bad will happen but she does it anyway. While everyone watching is yelling you stupid bitch don’t go in there. But I do. And then I cry and remember all the things my baby won’t get to do and I see pictures and see posts on facebook about my friends babies that are happy and healthy and I hate them for it. I am angry and I don’t know who to be angry at. Was it my fault? Did I do something I shouldn’t have done? People keep telling me “no, it wasn’t you, there is nothing you could have done.” Then why do I feel that way. Sometimes I feel bad because I just want to forget and move on…I should never want to forget my little girl…but why do I want to so bad. I just want to wake up from this nightmare…go  back to before I even got pregnant and pretend the last ten months didn’t happen. But I can’t. I need to remember all her kicks and twists, her hiccups and the indigestion from all of her beautiful dark brown hair. My little girl was beautiful, I know all parents think their children are, but she really was, she was the perfect combo of my husband and I that we had been talking about for the entire pregnancy. Again now I keep going back to this one part of this ordeal…well two actually.
Me: “Joe you need to come home so we can go to the hospital.”
Joe: “Why? Your being induced today now? When?”
Me: (trying to hold it together) “Yeah, Well, when we get there…just come home Sara and I will meet you there and then we will go, ok? Love you…bye.”
Joe: “Ok I will see you  in a little bit. Bye love you!”
At home… Joe is home…Sara goes into her room…Joe walks in the door..I am on the couch with Alexis’ grandma blanket and blanket with her name on it and my grandma blanket and a box of tissues.
Me: “Joe I need to talk to you…you need to sit down”
Joe: “Why, what’s wrong?”
Me: “Baby…our little girl is dead.” (hardest thing I have ever had to say)
Joe: “What?”
Me: “She’s dead…we are going to the hospital to have them take her out.”
Joe: “What?”
Me: “I know…are you ok?”
Joe: “Are you kidding?”
Me:” No, this would be one cruel joke…I’m sorry hunny.”
No one should ever have to do what I did. But they do. Why don’t they tell us about this stuff. I know they say so moms-to-be wont freak out and stuff but seriously…people should know. We should know that just because we make it past 8-12 weeks does not mean we are in the clear. I mean there were two other women in the hospital with me that were going through similar things. It sucks and life isn’t fair and the next person that says that or that everything happens for a reason is getting smacked. Man I really need to get a job with my degree. If they want people with experience what about life experience… I have more than most people have in a lifetime and I am only 22. I miss my baby. I want a baby. I hate having to wait until September…but then again I will look on the bright side…well try to. I get to sleep in for 6 weeks at least..then after I’m back to work only weekends. I can drink. Joe and I can for the most part go where we want, when we want without needing a babysitter (just a dog sitter) or having to hall all-that baby stuff with us. Also we can drink….well I can drink. Not that alcohol is really all that to me. I need to lose some weight. I loved being pregnant, I could just say its ok I’m pregnant. Now I am just fat, with super stretch marks, with nothing to show for all of my pain and suffering over those 39 weeks. But really the last month was all that bothered me. What if that’s it? What if I did work too long? I wonder if I can try to go to bed now. I just want to sleep. Sleeping is the only time I don’t think…I can just be without thinking about what’s next, what’s for dinner, what do I need to do today? I wonder what Joe is feeling? We really haven’t talked about Alexis all week. Just tonight I brought it up and all he said was he knew and he missed her too…but does he go through everything a million times in his head like I do. Does he try not to look at her bedroom door whenever he passes by it? I know he is hurting and I know he is trying to be strong about it…but I just wonder you know.  Oh well at least its snowing. Something about the pure white snow…with no footprints or sign of disturbance in the morning just makes me feel….something. It’s like the first bite of a cookie fresh out of the oven…or the feeling of lying in bed all snuggled up with clean sheets and your lover…2011 has to be a better year. It just has to be…and 2012 will hopefully bring Alexis a little brother or sister that will always know about her. Ok…sleeping pill is kicking in…time for bed. Hopefully it comes quickly and lasts long.

It's getting harder every day

December 31, 2010
I guess the flood gates have opened…I can’t do it anymore. I guess secretly I have been holding in my true feelings not letting myself really fall apart…. Well thanks to today being the end of the year, they are open now. I thought right now id be exhausted from getting up and feeding a baby at night… not from crying. I miss my little girl Alexis. It’s just that I guess I knew but didn’t realize that Alexis would never have all those great firsts, Ya know? Such as first word, first time crawling, first steps, first hugs and kisses, first love and crush, first broken heart… her marriage, her children…my grandbabies… I am only 22 and thinking about how she won’t be giving me any now.  My husband has been great… I told him to be open with me and not to try to be the strong man and though he has been my shoulder to lean on I have been his and this has made our marriage all the stronger. We are trying to move on…with the New Year just hours away we are trying to think about the future…the little brother and/or sister that we can give Alexis and tell them about her…and how much she looked like the perfect combo of her mommy and daddy…and how beautiful she was.  We have pictures from the hospital but it’s not enough…. I want to hold her…I want to feel her breath and her little fingers around my hand. She was our first baby….our little princess, it isn’t fair that we lost her….it isn’t fair that she was taken away. The autopsy report isn’t back and we still don’t have any answers…. But all I keep thinking is what if we don’t get any answers…what if they don’t know what happened? What if she did it to herself? She seemed to be fascinated with the cord…what if she squeezed it too hard or something. Why didn’t my doctor just take her the 5 days before when we had an appt and I begged to be induced…I may have only been 38wks and 1 day then…but in my heart I must have known…I wasn’t really that miserable…I was a very happy mommy to be…so happy with my life and for my little girl. Every morning I wake up and hope it was just a dream….that I was just imagining it all and I’m still pregnant…or that I never was so this horrible thing hadn’t happened. Every day is harder than the last but I know eventually it will get easier. I find it strange that I want another baby already…I’m very scared though. When the time comes to have a baby again I know I will be terrified but I will never forget about Alexis and I will carry this pain around that no one…none of us should have to carry with us.  So Happy New Year….Sorry this was so long…just emptying my brain.